The Mini Golf Enthusiast

A Mini Blog About a Mini Sport

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Mini Golf From Space!!

If you are a bit of a geek like me, being able to zoom in and out of nearly any point on the planet gives a little bit of thrill. Google Earth, a free downloadable broadband mapping program, is a collection of composite, searchable satellite images that literally cover the world. Since its debut, it has inspired virtual global travelers to search for their homes, vacation spots, and even covert locations such as Area 51. In the Google Earth Community, searchers post their finds to share with others. I found a thread of mini golf courses. The quality between images varies greatly, but it is fun to peek around to get a bird's eye view. You can search your own favorite courses by typing in the course's address in the "Fly To" tab.

It's not everyday that you can say that you flew in from space to visit your favorite golfing spot!

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